For the past 13 years, Betsy Harrison and Tami Graham have served on the board of directors for Mancos Valley Resources (MVR). That adds up to over 50 board meetings, thousands of group emails, countless volunteer hours and most importantly, an unwavering commitment to the Mancos Valley and its citizens. Their dedication and vision have grown MVR into the strong, grassroots nonprofit it is today.
“It’s not saying too much to call both Betsy and Tami major contributors to our community on so many levels. Both of these women will be missed at MVR and not just for their passion, intellect and broad skill sets but also as examples of dedication to and compassion for our community; and sometimes some really good humor,” says MVR Board President Tim Hunter.
Back in December of 2006, a group of forward thinking Mancos residents resurrected MVR, a fiscal sponsor nonprofit that was established to support other charitable organizations in the Mancos Valley. Originally founded in 1987, MVR had become inactive in the intervening years. A new board was formed which focused on expanding MVR’s work in the community.
The board of directors from 2006 included Betsy, Tami, Patricia Burk, Tim Hunter, Cathy Kennedy, Bob Scott, Tom Vaughan, Gwynne Spencer, and Dan Whitehead. Tami Graham then served as board president from 2012 to 2017 and Betsy was the board treasurer from 2007 to 2017. Both worked diligently to create strong connections within the community and to foster new projects.
Since 2006, MVR has steadily grown and its impact on Mancos is evident. Take a walk down mainstreet on a summer day and you’ll pass the Mancos Common Press, Mancos Farmers’ Market, The Painted Turtle, Mancos River Trail, Mt. Lookout Grange, and the Mancos FoodShare pantry, all current or past projects of MVR. Additionally, MVR projects have brought in over one million dollars in grant money and donations to the Mancos Valley.
MVR currently has 18 charitable projects under its fiscal umbrella. These projects are doing critical work in our valley, supporting our neighbors in need, expanding educational possibilities for our youth and enhancing our recreational opportunities. This work couldn’t be done without MVR, Betsy Harrison, Tami Graham and the rest of the volunteer board of directors.
So from all of us in the MVR community, thank you Betsy and Tami for your tireless commitment to the Mancos Valley.