Its Giving Tuesday, a day that is recognized around the world for the power of giving back. Our 19 projects are committed to helping the residents of the Mancos Valley. A donation to Mancos Valley Resources will directly benefit the community by supporting our friends and neighbors as well keeping the arts and our favorite recreational past times alive and flourishing.
This year has been very challenging for Suzanne, a 24-year Mancos resident. After spending many months taking care of her terminally ill Father, she learned that she needed emergency surgery the day after he passed. Suzanne applied to the Pay it Forward Fund and was gifted with gas cards for the surgery in Grand Junction as well as utility vouchers to pay her bills. Without PIFF, Suzanne would not have been able to take the time off from work to fully recuperate from her surgery.
MVR is a fiscal sponsor to our projects like the Pay it Forward Fund, handling the administrative and financial tasks which allows them to focus on what they do best. Whether it’s helping with unexpected medical expenses, grooming the trails we love to ski on, or providing fresh vegetables all summer long from area farmers, MVR makes it possible.
We are very good at keeping our costs low but with your help, we can cover our expenses such as rent, insurance, administrative fees, accounting fees and operating costs. You may be surprised to know that we have only one part-time administrator and a volunteer board who work very hard to make sure that we are supporting and sustaining our 19 projects.
Your support can make a difference! Make a tax-deductible donation to MVR and help to us to continue as the heart of the community.
How can you donate?
Click the Donate button to donate via PayPal.
Write a check to MVR and mail it to P.O. Box 204, Mancos, CO 81328.